ТҮРКПА-ның Әлеуметтік, мәдени және гуманитарлық мәселелер комиссиясының алтыншы жиналысы
2018 ж. 14 қыркүйек
(Қазақша нұсқасы жақын арада болады)

The Sixth meeting of the TURKPA Commission on Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs hosted by the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyz Republic took place on 14 September 2018 in Bishkek and led by Mr. Sadyk Sher-Niyaz, Chairman of the Commission and member of the Kyrgyz Parliament. The meeting of the Commission was preceded by opening ceremony of Days of Turkic Cinema as well as by the workshop of experts, representatives of ministries of culture, filmmakers, representatives of National Film Studios, animators and cinema analysts.

The main item of the meeting’s agenda was dedicated to the topic “Cinema and Animation as Parts of Turkic Cultural Heritage in Turkic-speaking countries: Legislation and Practice Aspects”.

The parliamentarians of the member countries touched upon the cinematography and animation in Turkic speaking countries’ information space, as well as national policy related to the subject and forwarded a number of proposals regarding harmonization of national and multilateral legislation in this sphere. At the same time, the parliamentarians discussed a working plan on the Commission’s future activities and made recommendations regarding the legislative work in the field of cinema and animation.

Delegations from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Turkey, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, Ministry of Culture of Kyrgyzstan, National Cinema Studios, Diplomatic Corps, experts and other institutions participated in the meeting.

Report and recommendation on the matter was approved by the Commission to be adopted at the Eighth Plenary Session that will be held in November of 2018 in Turkey.