Хүда Кая
Түркия Улуу Улуттук Жыйынынын депутаты
ТҮРКПАнын Билим берүү, маданий, социалдык жана гуманитардык маселелер боюнча комиссиясынын мүчөсү
(Кыргызча версиясы жакында болот)

Writer and primary school graduate.

For many years worked on women, human rights, Middle Eastern society and politics. She participated in many conferences and research activities at home and abroad.

Active in many women's organizations such as IMWU (International Union of Muslim Women). She has articles published in various publications and a 2-volume book study.

In the 25th and 26th terms elected as Istanbul Deputy. A member of the Internal Affairs Committee and a member of the Petition Committee.

Fluent in English.